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The Black Care Experience Conference 2025

The Black Care Experience Conference 2025

  • 66A Sebert Road London, England, E7 0NJ United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Theme for our Workshop Style Conference is “NOW Do You SEE Us?”

We know that research states, all Children and Young People who enter the Care System must overcome challenges in order to achieve their potential.

We also know that research states that Black Children and Young People who enter the Care System, experience another layer of challenges that see them disconnected from their Culture, Identity and Heritage, which results in them not having a positive sense of who they are; they are not prepared for the wider world of Racism and Discrimination and experience this in the Care System; and their Aspirations are not affirmed and championed.

Now if these challenges are not overcome, our Black Children and Young People in Care will go on to have the poorest outcomes and life chances in comparison to any other ethnic group within Children’s Social Care.

With that in mind, in this Years’ Conference we’ll explore:

  • How Racism and Discrimination directly impacts of the lives of our Black Children and Young People in Care, and

  • How with the right support in place, our Black Children and Young People in Care are able to achieve and succeed

At the Conference you'll hear from:

Millie Kerr | Strategic Anti-Racist Lead | Business Improvement for Children’s Services | Brighton & Hove City Council

Millie qualified as a social worker, in oxford in 1994 and has been practicing as a social work professional for 3 decades.

Moving into management in 2003, working as Team manager and children’s services manager, within Local authority children’s services, health and adult social care and within the Charity sector. Her career thus far has Spanned a range of disciplines from safeguarding and child protection, HIV, palliative care, child asylum, child Trafficking, leaving care and specialist FGM and safeguarding services.

Millie has been working within the area of anti-racist practice and racial equity since November 2020, in Brighton & Hove City Council, and is now the Strategic anti-racist lead -Business improvement for children’s services within the Local authority. Millie is experienced in people management, mentoring, organisation project development, leadership and change management, as well as strategic planning.

Millie is also a practice educator in addition to delivering training and keynote presentations on anti-racist practice, racial equity and intersectionality, within social work, the charity sector, at national conferences and more widely. Developing Anti-Racist practice within organisations and leading strategic change, are key areas of particular interest within her present role and personal career objectives, to secure social justice, equity, and inclusion for black and global majority young people, communities and all.

Sheree Von‑Claire | Senior Practitioner | Five Rivers Child Care

I’m a Christian woman in my late 50’s with two bi-racial adult children and a 7-year-old granddaughter.

Exposure to racism’s many guises has come both personally, as a British second-generation Jamaican, and vicariously through my children; for whom 50% of their DNA often appears discounted by tendencies to pigeonhole them based on their visible difference.

I taught years of GCSE Maths in an unqualified capacity at a challenging senior school; where many children were socially inept and had emotional and behavioural difficulties. This inspired my entrance into Anglia Ruskin university at 40, as a (then) divorcing single parent to a teen son and pre-teen daughter.

Through university, I worked as a Contact Supervisor, acquiring knowledge of the children and families’ field. I gained a BA (Hons) in 2011 and have been a Supervising Social Worker since 2012. In 2015, I completed a post-graduation qualification in Therapeutic Fostering, which I utilize to help create therapeutic and trauma informed placement settings. I’m particularly drawn towards supporting Carers looking after children of colour, especially when they’ve been placed cross-culturally.

I wrote my dissertation on “Cultural Competency in Social Work: The Presence of its Absence”. I believe this area continues to require growth and promotion across social care and education to foster greater opportunities for looked-after children to age out of care with positivity.

Olivia Doherty | National Participation and Engagement Officer | Five Rivers Child Care

I am the National Children and Young People’s Participation and Engagement Lead for the social enterprise Five Rivers Child Care.

I have worked with young people who are care experienced for over 25 years. I am passionate about elevating their voices, particularly those that are most marginalised. I am determined to provide equitable access to spaces and platforms where young people can feel safe to have their say.

I work creatively with young people, through expressive writing, animation, poetry, film, drama and other creative arts to help facilitate examination and expression of their experiences; creating high quality professional resources and pieces of work. Our team of clinical psychologists often work alongside myself and the young people to make these resources, and to help ensure that the young people’s views and experiences are taken seriously, inform service delivery and influence organisational change.

Antonia Ogundayisi | Service Manager for Anti Racist Practice | Essex County Council

Antonia is a passionate social care leader with a specialism in Youth Justice and Anti-Racist Practice. She is committed to empowering black communities, and supporting children, families and people to reach their full potential. She has developed and is currently embedding an anti-racist practice strategy in Essex County Council Social Care to address the overrepresentation of Black and Dual-Heritage children in care.

Shimron Walters

Shimron is a care experienced project manager, aspiring entrepreneur and volunteer for care focused initiatives. He has worked with the Drive Forward Foundation for over 5 years with a focus on addressing the criminalisation of children in care, helping to deliver both the London wide protocol for reducing criminalisation of looked after children and care leavers, and the 2023 #DaretoCare guidance for barristers and legal professionals.

Sekia Blye

My name is Sekia, and I am an advocate for care-experienced individuals, alongside supporting families with children aged 5-12 through extracurricular led activities. The current work that I do with both young children and care-experienced individuals coupled with my degree in Health Studies, provides me extensive experience working with children, young people and adults. I am passionate about creating meaningful opportunities and supporting the next generation of care-experienced individuals.

Vanessa Peat

Vanessa is a Performance Nutritionist, Registered Associate Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Neurodiversity and Looked after children advocate. She has a lived experience in overcoming disordered eating. She graduated with a Bachelor of Medical Science (2013) from the University of Leicester, a 1st Class Honours Bachelor of Nutrition with Medical Science (2020) from UCL, and a Postgraduate Diploma in Performance Nutrition (2022) with Distinction from the IOPN. In July 2024, she was awarded a Certificate of Recognition as a Healthcare Support Professional of the Year.

Baroness Lola Young

Baroness Lola Young of Hornsey became one of the first Black Women members of the House of Lords in 2004. Raised in foster care in north London, she studied at the New College of Speech and Drama, then worked as an actress, before becoming Professor of Cultural Studies at Middlesex University. After receiving an OBE in 2001, she was Head of Culture at the Greater London Authority. In 2004, lola was appointed as an independent Crossbench member of the House of Lords. In 2017 she chaired the Man Booker Prize judging panel. An active campaigner against modern slavery and unsustainable business practices, especially in fashion, her work in this sphere is know nationally and internationally. Lola is currently Chancellor of the University of Nottingham, and her memoir, ‘8 Weeks: Looking Back, Moving Forwards, Defying the Odds’ was published in November 2024.

The Conference Programme

  • Millie will take us on a journey to understand how racism and discrimination directly impacts the lives of Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

  • Antonia will host our ‘In conversation with' Sheree and Olivia to hear how through Five Rivers Child Care, they’ve been able to create safe relatable spaces to hear the voices and experiences of Black Children and Young People in their Care, to help improve their practice and systems.

  • Judith, our Founder, will host ‘Succeeding Because We Can’ Part 1 a panel discussion with Black Care Experienced Care Leavers Shimron, Vanessa and Sekia, to help us all understand that with the right support we can achieve.

  • Baroness Lola Young will be our Keynote Speaker on the topic ‘Succeeding Because We Can’ Part 2 sharing her experience and encouraging us all to see that with the right support we can achieve. You’ll also be able to purchase a signed copy of Lola’s memoir, 8 Weeks: Looking Back, Moving Forwards, Defying the Odds’.

  • You’ll hear the story behind our My Culture Care Box™

Who can attend Our Conference:

  • Black Care Experienced and Non Black Care Experienced Care Leavers (age 16 and above)

  • Black Family Members who have had experience of Children’s Social Care

  • Children’s Social Care Workforce (Directors, Managers, Social Workers, Foster Carers, Local Authority Virtual School, Independent Reviewing Officers, Residential Children’s Home Staff and Providers, Anti Racist Practice Leads) To support your Ongoing Professional Development.

  • Voluntary Sector Workforce, Legal Practitioners and Researchers within Children’s Social Care Sector. To support your Ongoing Professional Development.

Tickets are available at EVENTBRITE

  • General Admission Tickets £52.50 (from 1st November 2024 - 15th February 2025) A FEW TICKETS LEFT

  • FREE for our Black Care Experienced and Non Black Care Experienced Care Leavers (age 16 and above) ALL GONE

  • Early Bird Tickets £42.50 (from 9th October 2024 - 31st October 2024) SOLD OUT

  • Black Friday Sale | 25% OFF General Admission Tickets (from 12 noon 20th November 2024 - ENDS 12 noon 2nd December 2024) SOLD OUT

Light Refreshments & Light Lunch will be available

Doors open at 9:30am for REGISTRATION

The Conference will NOT BE Live Streamed

Want to make a Donation?

If you believe in our cause and want to Donate towards our Conference and our ongoing mission of helping to shape a better care experience for Black Children and Young People in Care, feel free to do so via this link or purchase our I AM A PART OF THE VILLAGE T-Shirt. If you’re coming to our Conference, the T-Shirts will be available to purchase on the day!

THANK YOU in advance for choosing to support our cause.

Parking & Transport

  • Parking restrictions are in force in the local area and so we advise you to travel by Public Transport.

  • The Elizabeth Line will get you to Forest Gate Station, which is a 4 min walk to the venue.

  • The Overground will get you to Wanstead Park, which is a 5 min walk to the venue.

Please Note: Parking is NOT available at the Venue.

Hotels in the area

  • Forest Gate Hotel

  • The Newham Hotel

  • Roomzzz Aparthotel Stratford

  • Hyatt House, London Stratford

  • The Stratford Hotel, Stratford

  • Hotel Ibis, Stratford

  • Travelodge London, Stratford

  • Moxy London, Stratford

  • Premier Inn, London Stratford

We look forward to seeing you at The Black Care Experience Conference 2025!

Come and have a VOICE! Come and be a part of the CHANGE!

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Cultural Competency Training | Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

Cultural Competency Training | Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

This ‘Pop Up’ In Person Cultural Competency Training Course is designed for:

  • Foster Carers with Transracial, Cross Cultural and Culturally Matched Placements

  • Residential Children’s Care Home Staff

  • Social Workers and Supervising Social Workers

  • Independent Visitors

  • Personal Advisors

  • Local Authority Virtual School Advisor

  • Local Authority Independent Reviewing Officers

  • Designated Teachers and School Staff in Mainstream Schools, Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provisions

This Workshop Style Training Course, will:

  • Provide you with insight into the History of The Black Care Experience

  • Through scenario based learning, provide you with guidance on how to support the Black Child or Young Person in your Care

  • With the contents of the My Culture Care Box™ we’ll equip you with practical skills on how to identify and meet the needs of the Black Child or Young Person in your Care, affirm their ability to achieve their aspirations and strengthen their connection to their Culture, Identity and Heritage they can be proud of, as they journey through the Care System to transition into adulthood

    We recommend that a My Culture Care Box™ is purchased by the Care Givers in attendance, for the Black Child or Young Person (age 8 - 16), who are directly in their Care.

    We recommend that you purchase a copy of We Are Not The Same - Africa and The Caribbean and Our Hair Care, Our Skin Care as these Handbooks will help to imbed your learning.

    If you're passionate about improving the Care, Outcomes and Life Chances of Black Children and Young People in Foster Care and Residential Children's Homes, then don't Miss Out on this Pop Up Training Event!!

Cost £45

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The Black Care Experience Conference 2024

The Black Care Experience Conference 2024


Theme: “Changing Our Narrative Together, Is Love Really Enough?”

Why this theme? We know that research states, all Children and Young People who enter the Care System must overcome challenges in order to achieve their potential.

We also know that research states that Black Children and Young People who enter the Care System, experience another layer of challenges, that if not overcome, will set them up to go on to have the poorest outcomes and life chances in comparison to any other ethnic group within Children’s Social Care.

And so in this Years’ Conference we’ll explore:

  • How do we change this narrative and level up the care, outcomes and life chances of our Black Children and Young People in Care?

  • Is Love the answer?

  • If so, what does this Love look like?

The aim of our Workshop Style Conference is to bring the Black Care Experienced and those who work in the Children’s Social Care Sector together, to build on our mission of learning how to create a better care experience for the current and next black and in care generation. Being Black, we define as a Child and Young Person whose Ethnic Origin is either African, Caribbean including Mixed Race with African or Caribbean Heritage.


Lorraine Makuvaza

Lorraine says “I am Care Experienced, and for very long time I felt that it meant I was a burden or unwanted, but through faith and perseverance, and being around those who empowered me, I've changed the trajectory of my life, and I only want give that back to others”.

Jerome Harvey – Agyei

Jerome is the Co-founder of the Tope Project C.I.C which supports Care Leavers to have meaningful spaces to feel connected as well as staff to feel re-energised about the roles they play in society, with a particular focus on the 'care system'.

He describes himself as a care leader, a person of love, a connector and value creator and growth facilitator.

Over the years Jerome has engaged in a variety of areas such as; speaking, awareness campaigns, radio hosting, empowerment workshops, music management, participation, advocacy, politics, community resolutions, support work, Mentoring, coaching, consultancy, diversity and inclusion work, international development and is currently working across London to reduce violence.

He brings realness, simplicity to solutions and an ability to create deep connections and deep understanding of local and global solutions to complex problems.

‘Growing through what we go through’, is what Jerome encourages others to think about, while to enabling more meaningful living. His approach to things are very experiential and help you to not just listen or observe but to feel connected to what is alive within you.

Angel Chizea

Angel is a public speaker, youth advocate, mental health advocate, upcoming Podcaster, Programme Officer, and qualified Business administrator. She is a Care Leaver who has been in care for the majority of her life and hoping to share and inspire more young people with her story. Fun fact she has a small beautiful Boy chihuahua called Coco. 

Michael Henry

Michael is a Systemic Family & Couples Psychotherapist, Lecturer/Facilitator, Social Work Consultant, Executive Coach, and Principal Consultant at Sakara Consultancy Ltd.  He has amassed over 25 years of experience working in various statutory, corporate and non-profit organisations in the UK primarily centered around working with children & families and the systems that surround them.

For the past 10 or so years, Michael has developed a global presence working in Baltimore, USA and Jamaica in his clinical work with a foundational ‘trauma informed’ lens to his practice. Utilising cutting edge treatment techniques that he has added to his repertoire has led to breakthroughs in other areas of his work as a positive. For example, adding the intervention ‘Brainspotting’ has been a tremendous resource for his Executive Coaching work.

Michael, with his warm, gregarious and optimistic style, engages audiences as a gifted workshop facilitator and lecturer. He is highly sought-after to deliver a wide range of training and workshops to develop and empower professionals in a number of varied industries.

Born and bred in East London to Jamaican parents, an ex-service user, his ‘Britishness’ is most evident whenever he travels around this world (which is often). He proudly embraces the many aspects of his multiculturalism.

Steve Stephenson MBE

Retired from Social Work, Steve is known as a trailblazer, enduring campaigner and author.

His campaigning success includes pioneering a widespread campaign in Birmingham in 1986 to recruit Black and Asian foster carers – shortly before the then 30-something year old Social Worker began challenging the City Council’s handling of race and equal opportunities.

Along with his team in Birmingham City Council, Steve was also strategic in developing Black and Cultural Identity Work, offering solutions to the workforce on how to raise Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care.

Outside of Social Work, Steve has a longstanding history of supporting Jamaican and West Indian cricketers, putting on various functions for the West Indies Team when they were in England.

He is also well known as a Community Activist in a number of cities and towns across the country, including Birmingham, Bristol, London, Luton and Manchester.

In his Autobiography Unbeaten Innings, Steve details his life story starting with his birth in Kingston, Jamaica, to his 1971 arrival in the UK.

Ric Flo – Our Guest Artist

Ric Flo is a London based Rap Artist and the Founder of Mantra Music. Growing up in foster care, the creative arts became a therapeutic medium of introspection and self-expression.  His debut project 'A Boy Called Ric' is a reflective journey about his life in foster care which has resonated strongly with the undervalued community. His album 'Rise Of The Phoenix' which debuted 35 on the iTunes UK Hip Hop / Rap Charts with no PR or marketing. Created entirely during lockdown, 'Rebirth of The Phoenix' is the latest body of work which illustrates Ric's most recent evolution and is a portrait of his journey beyond foster care and carries a sense of musicality that champions why he has a voice that can't be ignored. 


PLEASE NOTE: Our Growing Exhibition of the History of The Black Care Experience will now be featured at a later date and not at The Black Care Experience Conference 2024.


  • Black Care Experienced and Non Black Care Experienced Care Leavers (age 16 and above)

  • Black Family Members who have had experience of Children’s Social Care

  • Children’s Social Care Workforce (Directors, Managers, Social Workers, Foster Carers, Local Authority Virtual School, Independent Reviewing Officers, Residential Children’s Home Staff and Providers, Anti Racist Practice Leads) To support your Ongoing Professional Development.

  • Voluntary Sector Workforce, Legal Practitioners and Researchers within Children’s Social Care Sector. To support your Ongoing Professional Development.

Come and have a VOICE! Come and be a part of the CHANGE!

Light Refreshments will be available!





We are passionate about making our conference accessible to those who wish to attend, and believe that no one should be excluded because of their financial circumstances, particularly now, when so many are struggling.

We know that ticket price is a huge barrier for some, and we hope that our Pay What You Can model will give a wider range of people the chance to attend our Conference and engage with the work we do.

What is Pay What You Can?

Whilst the Event is FREE for our Black Care Experienced Care Leavers, you can choose to pay our Ticket price or pay by way of a Donation, whichever works for you.

The minimum recommended Donation amount per ticket is £12.50

The Full Price per ticket is £35.50

The Pay What You Can model will not cover the costs of the Conference, but it will still be a vital part of our income mix and contribute to enabling us to make our Conference happen.

Thank You for Your Support?

We are pleased to share that we have hit our target to cover our remaining costs by way of direct Donations in Support of our Event. We want to send a BIG THANK YOU to ALL of our Donors, Sponsors and Funders, without you this mission may not have been accomplished!

That said, if you believe in and want to Donate towards our ongoing Cause of helping to shape a better care experience for Black Children and Young People in Care and want to know how, feel free to check out this link or the QR Code.

We’re also looking for:

  • Bid Writers

  • Funders

  • Fundraisers

  • Businesses, Corporations with Corporate Social Responsibility Values

  • Sponsors

who may want to partner with us and Pay Your Kindness Forward either Financially or In kind in support of the change we need to see.

If this resonates with you, Contact Us for more information at office@thetransformedyou.co.uk

Thank you in advance for choosing to support our cause.


  • There is a multi storey car park directly opposite the church building.

  • The Elizabeth Line will get you to Ilford Station, which is a 5 min walk to the venue.

  • The Central Line to Gants Hill and then take a 16 min bus journey to the venue.

  • The District Line to Barking Station and then take a bus 10 min bus journey to the venue.


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Cultural Competency Training | Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

Cultural Competency Training | Raising Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

This ‘Pop Up’ In Person Training Course is for Children’s Social Care Workforce and the Workforce from the Voluntary Organisations within Children’s Social Care Sector.

Designed and delivered by Black Care Experienced Professionals, this Training Course will:

  • Empower you with Knowledge & Insight into how to keep Black Children and Young People connected to their Culture, Identity and Heritage as they journey through Children’s Social Care

  • Provide you with Guidance on how to be culturally competent in order to help improve the Care, Outcomes and Life Chances of the Black Child or Young Person in your Care and in your School

  • Empower you with Practical Skills to help you personally develop and plan your way forward to make an impactful difference in the life of the Black Child or Young Person in your Care and in your School

Cost: £45

Spaces are Limited


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The Black Care Experience Charter

The Black Care Experience Charter

This ‘Pop Up’ Online Event is for Children’s Social Care Workforce and the Workforce from the Voluntary Organisations within Children’s Social Care Sector.

This session will provide the Workforces with in depth insight into:

  • The History of The Black Care Experience

  • The Black Care Experience Charter

Followed by a Q & A

Please note: This is NOT a Training Course.

Cost: FREE


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The Black Care Experience Charter

The Black Care Experience Charter

This ‘Pop Up’ Online Event is for Children’s Social Care Workforce and the Workforce from the Voluntary Organisations within Children’s Social Care Sector.

This session will provide the Workforces with in depth insight into:

  • The History of The Black Care Experience

  • The Black Care Experience Charter

Followed by a Q & A

Please note: This is NOT a Training Course.

Cost: FREE


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The Black Care Experience at Social Work England Week 2023

The Black Care Experience at Social Work England Week 2023

This Online event for Social Work England Week will highlight the need for Social Workers to have knowledge and understanding of The Black Care Experience.

The Black Care Experience – Shaping a Better Care Experience for Black Children and Young People in Children’s Social Care

This session will provide Practitioners with an overview and insight into:

  • the History of the Black Care Experience

  • the Challenges faced by Black Children and Young People in Care

  • the importance of keeping Black Children and Young People in Care connected to their Culture, Identity and Heritage as they journey through the Care System

  • and how Practitioners can help to improve the Care, Outcomes and Life Chances of Black Children and Young People in their Care.


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